Curated by The Good Women Dance Collective
Feb. 13 at 8:30 p.m. Westbury Theatre
Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. Westbury Theatre
direction & concept: Marcela Giesche
movement & performance: Sahara Morimoto
soundscape/editing: Marcela Giesche
heart – work emerged from the necessity to connect to the physicality and power of the heart.
Through rhythm, variable frequencies, and incessant pulsing – the body of the dancer becomes the heart of the space.
Femme Fatales
Choreography: Meredith Kalaman in collaboration with Kate Franklin, Felicia Lau, Gabi Beier and Teghan Fedor
Performers: Megan Morrison, Felicia Lau & Meredith Kalaman
Femme Fatales is a poetic trio, blending narrative and contemporary dance to bring to light the impact of gender socialization. How do we embody gender beyond a conversation from our logical mind and how do we articulate who we are with or without gender?
I can’t sit still
by Katerine Semchuk
Recipient of the 2017 Good Women New Work Award
Performers/collaborators: Abbie Cogger, Emily O’Neil, Katherine Semchuk
Choreographer: Katherine Semchuk
Sound: Composed by Dan Tansy, featuring Warren Krick, Ross Nicoll and Cameron O’Neil
Lighting Design: Julie Ferguson
Development Credits: Good Women Dance Collective and Expanse Festivals’ New Work Award, Ainsley Hillyard, Robyn Learn, Kate Stashko, Emily Spearing.
Head in ten places
Spread too thin
Bite off more than you can chew
Wears many hats
Bent out of shape
In over your head…
I can’t sit still is an exploration of idiomatic expressions relating to trying to do everything at once. With a compulsion to say yes and urge to remain occupied, three parts of one can very quickly diverge from focus.
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Curated by The Good Women Dance Collective
Feb. 13 at 8:30 p.m. Westbury Theatre
Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. Westbury Theatre
direction & concept: Marcela Giesche
movement & performance: Sahara Morimoto
soundscape/editing: Marcela Giesche
heart – work emerged from the necessity to connect to the physicality and power of the heart.
Through rhythm, variable frequencies, and incessant pulsing – the body of the dancer becomes the heart of the space.
Femme Fatales
Choreography: Meredith Kalaman in collaboration with Kate Franklin, Felicia Lau, Gabi Beier and Teghan Fedor
Performers: Megan Morrison, Felicia Lau & Meredith Kalaman
Femme Fatales is a poetic trio, blending narrative and contemporary dance to bring to light the impact of gender socialization. How do we embody gender beyond a conversation from our logical mind and how do we articulate who we are with or without gender?
I can’t sit still
by Katerine Semchuk
Recipient of the 2017 Good Women New Work Award
Performers/collaborators: Abbie Cogger, Emily O’Neil, Katherine Semchuk
Choreographer: Katherine Semchuk
Sound: Composed by Dan Tansy, featuring Warren Krick, Ross Nicoll and Cameron O’Neil
Lighting Design: Julie Ferguson
Development Credits: Good Women Dance Collective and Expanse Festivals’ New Work Award, Ainsley Hillyard, Robyn Learn, Kate Stashko, Emily Spearing.
Head in ten places
Spread too thin
Bite off more than you can chew
Wears many hats
Bent out of shape
In over your head…
I can’t sit still is an exploration of idiomatic expressions relating to trying to do everything at once. With a compulsion to say yes and urge to remain occupied, three parts of one can very quickly diverge from focus.
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