The festival unfolds through two primary streams: the Mainstage Series features performance works by local, regional, national, and international artists, while the Expanse Community Outreach Program engages with the broader Edmonton community through various activities, including interactions with The Lobbyists.
Expanse Is A Celebration Of ALL Bodies onstage.
We want to make sure that we are doing as much as we can to make a festival for all bodies to enjoy both on and off stage. Click here to find out more about Expanse’s accessibility offers.
Expanse is a 10-day Movement Arts Festival that focuses on body-based work from a cross-section of artists. Expanse offers opportunity, inspiration, education, and community for artists and audiences who share a love and curiosity in physical performance.
The festival has two main streams: a Performance Series of performance works by local, regional, national and international artists and the Expanse Community Outreach Program which encompasses a number of activities through which the festival interacts with the Edmonton Community at large.