January Artist Highlight – Tia Ashley Kushniruk (亚 女弟)

Tia Ashley Kushniruk (亚 女弟) is a passionate performer, creator, and self-proclaimed “dance nerd” who thrives on the tenacity and abstract beauty of live performance. Her work explores durational practices that challenge conventional performance norms, creating transformative and deeply authentic experiences. Tia shared that performing a work she has nurtured since 2018 with Azimuth Theatre was a significant milestone, describing it as a true and exciting culmination of her creative process.

We loved having Tia as part of her show “where the tide meets the stream” in 2023 choreographed by Christianne Ullmark and as part of Molly Mcdermott’s “in and out of dark” at Expanse 2024.

Currently, Tia is getting her Master of Arts at the Centre for Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies at the University of Toronto! We cannot wait to see what else the future has in store for Tia.

Follow her journey:
👉 IG: @ya_di_tai
👉 Info & tickets: milezerodance.com

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