Performance Lab #10 welcomes Amber Borotsik back for the next 3 weeks of classes!


Join us, Sunday, Nov. 26 from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Classroom B
Foote Theatre School at the Citadel Theatre
Enter through the Foote Theatre School doors on the south side of the building. Doors will be open 15 minutes before class time.
Please come in comfortable clothes and ready to move.

A little reminder of what Amber is exploring in her pedagogy:

Moving into the Moment.

In this highly physical class we will explore movement improvisation as a way to practice moment to moment awareness. In my personal acting practice, a deep experience of the body is equal to script analysis in terms of its direct impact on my ability to bring myself into a scene. For years I experienced real struggle trying to connect emotionally to scripted work but then I did a bunch of yoga, a bunch of dancing and discovered that, for me, the answer is physical. I’m now very interested in how movement and the body can activate, not only honest emotion, but also new ideas, imaginings and writing. Please feel free to bring a journal/sketch book/cool phone app so that after class you may capture any ideas that have bubbled up. Artists from many disciplines are welcomed and encouraged.

You can expect:

Major moving.
Sometimes sweating.
Sometimes partner work.
Some exploration of weight sharing.
Some speaking and/or sounding.
We will move the body, open to the moment, and see what happens.

Please work in bare feet and clothes that you can move in. The floor is slippery so no socks please. Strange cut up sock contraptions so you don’t freeze are totally welcome – whatever works. This work will also open and strengthen the body, as well as addressing pattern breaking.

The work will be rigorous but I encourage everyone to bring themselves to the work in the way that feels most natural for their body. Haven’t moved for a while? Perfect. Dance professionally? Perfect. Need to miss a class? Perfect. Need to modify movement in order to rebuild after injury/illness? Perfect.

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