April 27, 2020 Azimuth Theatre/Theatre Alberta Community Check-in Meeting Minutes

8:35 p.m. MST Meeting called to order.


Vanessa Sabourin delivers Treaty 6 land acknowledgement and rules of engagement for community meetings.


These meetings will NOT be recorded and folks will always have the option to make any information shared confidential if they so choose.

Register for all future meetings: https://www.theatrealberta.com/community-check-in/?fbclid=IwAR3c4M1EZf_npUrOvuCuUDBSNTDEoAbSIFw6CGXMruoYaz3sOym9-e9RBZc


Please refer to our social media and website for announcement of future meetings.


Resources shared:


Online yoga classes with SHALA Ashtanga Yoga Centre https://www.theshala-eayc.com/

Good Women Dance Collective classes: http://goodwomen.ca/classes/


Curated COVID-19 resources through Theatre Alberta



Day of Mourning April 28, 2020

165 worker fatalities in AB

50,000 reported and accepted worker injuries in AB

If any workers need someone to talk to or need more inforamtion, please contact Gina Puntil at the Alberta Workers’ Health Centre gina@workershealthcentre.ca


Questions raised:


  1. How can we implement a buddy system for folks needing help in our community (whether sick of immune compromised)?
  2. Perhaps there should be 2 community meetings offered in one day?
  3. Are these meetings helpful? Would it be worth having another company host?


Recommended viewing:


A Secret Love coming soon to Netflix

Walk Hard John C. Reilley (parody of the music biopic genre)

Death at a Funeral Neil LaBute. On Netflix


Meeting adjourned: 9:49 p.m. MST

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